Monday 10 March 2014

VAM - Vesicular-Arbus Mycorrhiza

Unknown   at  22:10  No comments

Mycorrhiza is the product of an association between a fungus and plant root. Vesicular-Arbus Mycorrhiza (vam) is formed by the symbiotic association between certain phycomycetous fungi and angiosperm roots.

Staining and observation of VAM fungi
Materials required
·         Lactic acid
·         Phenol
·         Trypan blue
·         Glycerol
·         KOH
·         Con. HCL
·         Forceps
·         Paster pipette
·         Filter paper
·         Glass slide
·         Cover slip
·         Conical flasks (250ml)
·         Funnel
·         Beaker(500ml,250ml)
·         Measuring cylinder (1000ml)
·         Boiling tubes
·         Surgical needle
·         Blade
·         Tissue paper
·         Wash bottle
Preparation of lactophenol: Mix 50ml lactic acid, 50ml phenol and 100ml glycerol in 100 ml water
Preparation of trypan blue: 0.5gm in 100ml water
·          Collect fine terminal feeder roots, wash thoroughly in tap water and cut it into small pieces (1-2cm)
·         Add 10% KOH to a boiling tube along with root bits and boil it for 1-2 hr in water bath.
·         Pour off KOH
·         Add 2% hcl TO NEUTRALIZE koh (5MIN.)
·         Stain roots with trypan blue in lactophenol (3min)
·         Pour off trypan blue and add keep it in lactophenol

Quantification of root Colonization
                The number of root segments are counted and expressed as a percentage of total root segments in the sample.

           % colonization  =      Number of colonized segments    X 100
                                   Total number of segments examined 

Isolation of VAM fungi ( Wet sieving and decanting method)
·         Sieves (850,250,105 and 45 µm)
·         Vermiculate
·         Perlite
·         Cowdung
·         Soil

·      Mix a volume of soil (200g) in water (1000ml) in a measuring cylinder/ beaker, mix well and allow heavier particles to settle down.
·      Pour liquid through a coarse sieve ( generally 850 µm) to remove large pieces of organic matter. Collect the liguid which passes through this sieve.
·      Pass this suspension through a sieve fine enough to retain the desired spores, generally (250,105,45µm).
·      Collect the liquid in separate conical flask with through washing.
·      Filter the liquid through Whatman No.I filter paper.
·      Observe it under a microscope.

Preparing inoculums for large-scale production


Vermiculate                   65 kg
Perlite                             20 kg
Cowdung                        5 kg
Soil                                   10 kg        
Ginigrass strip/ Sorghum seeds      

·         Sterilize the mixture in an autoclave for 1 hour at normal conditions
·         Dip the Gini grass strip in 50% alcohol for 5minutes and wash thoroughly with tap water
·         Fill the earthenware pots with sterile substrate (3/4).
·         Spread mother inoculums over the substrate, sow surface sterilized seeds and plant gini grass strip.
·         Observe the colonization frequency of AMF after  1-2 months ( for 50% colonization)
·         Both segments of colonized roots containing hypha and/ or vesicles and subsrate containing fungal spores may be used as starting fungal propagules for mass production.

MASS multiplication of VAM

Vermiculate                   65 kg
Perlite                             20 kg
Cowdung                        5 kg
Soil                                   10 kg
Ginigrass strip / Sorghum seeds
Plastic sheet

Sterilization of substrate
·         Spread the substrate   (  usually 100kg/ tank  ) in a clean cement tank and make 4-5 small holes and pour 50% formaldehyde (500ml in one tank).
·         Cover the tank with a plastic sheet and keep it for one week. Remove the cover after one week and mix it again.
·         Make two to three channels in the substrate and fill it with mother inoculums ( remove the  shoot portion and add soil along with chopped roots from the pre developed inoculums ( ˜from 2 to 3 earthenware pots).
·         Sow surface sterilized seeds and/ or plant gini grass strip, cover evenly and watering it at regular intervals.
·          Quality test on AM colonization in root samples is carried out on 30th  and 45th  day.
·         Stock plants are grown for 60 days (8 weeks). The  inoculums is obtained by cutting all the roots of stock plants. The inoculums

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